Korazón de Pararrayos
Editorial Edebé
Colección Tucán, 180
Colección Nuevo Tucán (12+), 5
Traducción del catalán de Pau-Joan Hernàndez
Ilustraciones de Núria Giralt
Barcelona, 2003 / 2015
(14 ediciones. También en original en catalán, y traducciones al gallego y el basco. Edebé. Barcelona, 2003)
(También en edición especial en braille y audio. ONCE. Madrid, 2003)
«Kor of the Lightning Conductor»
Last edition Catalan, Spanish, Galician and Basque: Edebé, Barcelona, 2006
108 pp.
Collection: Tucan (12+), n. 5
Edebé Prize, 2003
An eleven-year-old Chinese girl tells us about her big brother who becomes a squatter
«What can you call a big brother who gives up his warm bead at home, the hot shower and his nice glass of milk with cocoa every morning to go and live on a mountain with the wild boars and the scarecraws in a abandoned leprosarium, and who ends up on television hanging from the top of a lightning conductor as if he was some kind ov nesting stork?
I think you could call him this: Kor of the Lightning Conductor.
When I was eleven, as I was saying, my big brother was a squatter. He was a famous squatter. The even had hic picture in the newspapers and he was on television. Maybe it's true that I thought I was getting old because I had reached the double figures. But, really, what more could I want? At my age, not everyone could say they had a big brother who has not only a squatter but also a doctor. Well, almost a doctor because he only had to pass the surgery exam.»
Little Yung, an eleven-year-old Chinese girl whom we can call Moon, which is what her adoptive parents called her, tells us this fragment of her story. And she does so in a free and fluid style, giving us glimpses into several lives with their dreams and their tragedies but, above all, she reveals for us her fascination for her big brother, her hero, her big love.
He has published twenty-five books in Catalan language --most of his short novels and stories-- some of them constantly appearing in new editions. He has received several prizes for his short stories and novels, and is translated into italian, Spanish, Galician and Basque. Hi is a pionner in Catalan publications of E-books and works as a journalist dealing with cultural matters in both press and radio, in particular as a literary and theatre critic. He has also taught children and adults, apart from his intesive cultural activities, for exemple his presidency of Omnium Cultural in the Baix Camp region for ten years, during which time he was notable for having been the promoter and founder of the Baix Camp Literary Prizes which are now knows as the Antoni de Bofarull and Gabriel Ferrater prizes. Hi is also founder of the literary collection Escornalbou, which is still producing books, and the Escornalbou Catalan Language School for adults, teachers and degree holders, which was mainly active, in collaboration with other institutions, in the niniteen eighties, during which period hi was on the first Permanent Board for Catalan of the Department of Linguistic Policy of the Regional Government of Catalonia. Hi is webmaster of the Magazine «Bit de Cultura», «Estiraboli», «Cornabou» and «Vinyeta Literària» on Internet.
Books in Catalan. Association of Catalan Language Publishers. Barcelona, 2003. "Especial Issue: Children's and Young People's Books.
[Fragmento en español, aquí]
[Fragmento en catalán, aquí]
[Guia de Lectura]